Seed Planting

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Today First and Second Class planted some of the seeds that we collected in Curraghchase last week. We did it outside in the beautiful Autumn sunshine to avoid any mess in the classroom. We began by half filling our yoghurt tubs with compost. We then placed our seed in on top of this. Some people planted acorns, some people planted conkers, some people planted hazel nuts, some people planted beech nuts and Olivia planted a helicopter from the sycamore tree.

When the seed was snugly resting in the compost we then filled the yoghurt tub to the top with more compost and pressed down. We used our watering can to water the seeds….but not too much! We decided to store the containers in the boiler house as it is darker and warmer than the school. It will also keep them safe. We must remember to water our seeds each week.

After we had washed our hands, we then wrote up the steps that we had followed to plant our seeds. This is called Procedural Writing.

We look forward to watching our seeds grow.

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