Junior Tour-Bunratty and Fossett’s Circus

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The boys and girls of the Junior half of the school hit the road on Friday the 19th June 2015 for their school tour to Bunratty and Fossetts Circus. Accompanied by Mrs Kennelly, Ms O’Hanlon, Geraldine Flavin and Patricia Mullins they arrived at Bunratty Folk Park at 10:30am and the fun began in earnest!

We started with a mid morning snack, to ensure that energy levels were sufficiently high for the day. After our little picnic, we viewed some of the old houses and farm equipment before discovering the wonderful playground. Amid a flurry of sand, the children played, climbed, bounced, swung, skipped and dug!! It was great fun.

At 12pm we headed for the highlight of the tour-Fossett’s Circus Tent. We took our seats and were amazed at the acts that hit the big ring. Mc-ed by the famous Marion Fossett each act was better than the one before it, We saw acrobats, fire eaters, trapeze artists, clowns and even ponies that could walk on two legs! We were thrilled at the excitement and the amazing atmosphere!!

At the end of the show, some very tired bodies (and that was just the adults!) boarded the bus for Glin. It was a quieter bus on the return trip and many sleepy heads disembarked at the gates of St Fergus’ N.S.

A great day was had by all! Thankfully we have the weekend to recover!

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