Summer Holidays!

IMG 2695


Wishing all staff, parents, Parents Council and Board of Management Members but especially the pupils of St Fergus’ N.S. a restful and happy Summer holidays. Thank you to anyone who helped to make this another good year for the children in our care and to anyone who contributed to the positive and supportive environment that we endeavour to create for the whole school community.

The year has been busy and full of learning and excitement in and around the school building. Everything that was undertaken was done with the children in mind. Every lesson that was taught, every day that was undertaken was done so with their learning and development at it’s core. As a school we have grown and reached new heights both academically and as a community. The children are happy, settled and appreciated for who they are and for what they can achieve. We believe in the development of the whole child and as a staff strive to help the children in every way we possibly can. We believe that we have successfully done this again this year.We are proud of all we have done and all that we hope to do in the future.  Thank you to those who support us in our efforts. We are grateful for your unwavering assistance in all things.

We look forward to a well earned rest and to returning on September 1st with a renewed sense of purpose and with lots of ideas for the year ahead.

Deirdre Kennelly


Thank you to the parents, staff  Board of Management and incredible children of St Fergus' N.S for what has been another great year for the school. Wishing you all a restful and happy Summer.Mise le meas,Deirdre Kennelly

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