Crazy C.A.P.E.R.s!

As World Book Day approaches , we started one of our favourite activities of the school year-C.A.P.E.R. (Children And Peers Enjoy Reading). This “Buddy System” of reading is a wonderful exercise in teamwork and peer learning. On the back of Friendship Week, it sees a Senior Pupil partnered up with a Junior Pupil for reading sessions four times a week. As the pictures below show, it is focused and enjoyable and every pupil benefits from the 20 minutes in the morning.

Teachers in the Junior Room have chosen series of books at their class levels to be read each day. The children then read the book with their peer reader in a relaxed and friendly setting. We have found that, not only does the reading of the younger children come along, but so does the confidence and love of reading of the older pupils. It is a real joy to hear and feel the “buzz” in the rooms as the children engage with the books and are questioned by their friends. They discuss the merits of each book and critic it in an easy relaxed manner. The friendships forged spill over into the playground and the entire school community gains as a result.

This initiative is part of our Literacy Strategy and our School Improvement Plan and we love to see each pupil enjoying it. It is wonderful when learning is such fun!

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